Professional meeting day

Friday 5th July at Cap Sciences Bordeaux

Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion :

new tools and peers sharing

to improve our practice in the cultural sector

To mark the end of the Erasmus+ I MOVE project, come and :

  • discover new practical tools for analysing cultural activities;
  • discuss inclusion issues with other professionals, sharing our experiences, successes and difficulties;
  • pool our energies and expertise on the subjects of Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
  • leave ‘equipped’ to improve inclusion in our programming.


The day’s programme includes:

☕ 9am: welcome coffee

😃 9.30am: Introduction to the day

🎤 9.45am: Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the cultural sector.
Presentations and discussions with I MOVE project partners.

🛠 11am – 12.30pm: workshops

🥗 Lunch

🛠 2pm – 4.30pm: workshops, presentations of projects and tools to share

🧾 4.30pm: end of the day

🥤 5pm: shared drink